Pet Stain Removal
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There are a whole host of pet stains followed by disturbing odors that could be listed. The following are some of the most common.
1. Urine and excrement
This smell seems to linger and linger, and can be renewed so often when you have young pets, that it seems to become a round the clock feature of your home. When it gets into the right fabrics and surfaces, this odor can be so powerful its presence can bring tears to your eyes.
2. Rotten waste
Cats are especially guilty when it comes to stashing hidden “presents” in all the wrong places. Whether it's a 5 week old bird corpse or a meat ridden fur ball, these things can create awful stains, and putrid smells when left to fester. The thought of cleaning them yourself might even make you slightly ill.
3. Wet dog smell
This is a distinct one that many who don't even have dogs will recognize. If dogs get themselves damp for too long and rub up against all the furniture, an awful mess can be made. The resulting smell is one that no amount of spray can cover.
Why go with our upholstery cleaning service
Odors linger because they are created by bacteria. So even if you think you've scrubbed out all the visible dirt, any bacteria that might be left can still create the smell. Our deep cleaning methods will ensure all of the bacteria in your carpets and upholstery are eradicated. Only by having this complete decontamination can your home be returned to having a pure and refreshing smell.